The Stanley Parable Mobile
Android (1.0.0) Free download iOS (v23.432) Free download
The Stanley Parable for Mobile
Download The Stanley Parable for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
The Stanley Parable is a first-person interactive story game. Being initially released in 2011 as a modification for Half-Live 2, it was entirely remade in 2013, featuring updated graphics and more content.
The game follows Stanley, an office worker whose job boils down to pressing buttons on the keyboard depending on what he sees on his office computer screen. One day the screen goes black and Stanley, not knowing what to do, decides to investigate the building.
The gameplay consists of exploring a deserted office building. The game has 19 possible endings that depend on which way the player chooses to explore his surroundings. The Stanley Parable’s key feature is the permanent presence of the narrator who comments protagonist’s actions and suggests player what to do next. However, the player can ignore his suggestions which makes the narrator adjust his story to the player’s actions.
More details for The Stanley Parable Mobile
App version
Android: 1.0.0
iOS: v23.432