Stardew Valley Mobile
Android (1.23.3) Free download iOS (1.0.20123) Free download
Stardew Valley for Mobile
Download Stardew Valley for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
The hero (in the beginning you can choose gender, name and appearance) - an office worker who inherited an abandoned farm. The landscape of the farm can also be selected. For example, you can decide whether there will be a river nearby for fishing.
The farm area needs to be cleared, and it will take time.
The hero has many different activities: plant and care for plants, raise livestock, practice crafts, extract ore, and also enter into relationships with residents of the neighbouring town to earn game money. Relationships with characters include communication, performing tasks for money, exchanging, searching for fossils and even military actions and marrying. The character is limited by the reserve of strength and health - both parameters are visible on the screen, and the game automatically puts the hero to rest if the limit of his capabilities is close. The game does not set any ultimate or primary goal, its many possibilities are designed for an unlimited time.
More details for Stardew Valley Mobile
App version
Android: 1.23.3
iOS: 1.0.20123