The Playroom Mobile
Android (v 4.3) Free download iOS (v3.3.1) Free download
The Playroom for Mobile
Download The Playroom for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
The Playroom is a collection of augmented reality games, requiring camera and VR gear to run. It consists of seven mini-games for up to five players: Mini Robots (a hub), Monster Escape, Cat & Mouse, Ghost House, Wanted!, Robot Rescue, and Toy Wars. In all these games players take control of tiny VR Bots. Players are offered to assume roles of robots, as the game follows their endless adventures including fights against gigantic monsters (in Monster Escape), the classic cat/mouse confrontation (in Cat & Mouse), and rescuing other robots stranded somewhere (in Robot Rescue). Mini Robots, as a central hub for all actions, is a VR toybox simulator, which is a home for VR Bots. Actually, the game is set as if robots lead their own living being periodically interrupted by players. Playing other games will give coins that can be spent on the in-game toys. As far as all the games are in the same ecosystem, progressing in the other six games will impact the upgrades of robots’ dwelling. Mini-games also feature the multiplayer mode for the game experience improvement.
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App version
Android: v 4.3
iOS: v3.3.1