Magicka Mobile


Android (version 8.6.3) Free download
iOS (version 1.3) Free download
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Magicka for Mobile

Download Magicka for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.



Magicka is a fun franchise. Based on Scandinavian mythology, we follow a story of four mages that have formed an order to protect Midgard from a warlock. Yet this warlock is just a pawn in the greater game of a demon Assatur, who wants to destroy wants to destroy the homeland of the mages. The game gives few nods towards some other known franchises as Warhammer, Warcraft or even Star Wars.

Gaming process is very complicated. Having no character class as it is, every mage can create his unique combinations from eight different types of magic - water, life, shield, cold, lightning, arcane, earth and fire. Some of them are not compatible such as fire and cold because of their opposing nature, but the game deeply explores the way to create a unique gameplay-style based on your preference. Around the world, you can find magickas - scrolls that contain new spells and magic. Supporting up to four players at the same time it is a very fun game despite having loads of technical issues, like bugs and other problems.

More details for Magicka Mobile

App version

Android: version 8.6.3

iOS: version 1.3

Rating of the app


Created by

Paradox Interactive

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