Far Cry Mobile
Android (v23.432) Free download iOS (v9.2) Free download
Far Cry for Mobile
Download Far Cry for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
The game that started the popular Far Cry series. The player assumes the role of Jack Carver, a former special forces operative who became a ferryman. The protagonist was hired by a journalist Valerie Constantine to escort her to a remote Pacific island. Soon after they arrived, the boat was attacked, and Valerie went missing. Now Carver is stranded on an archipelago covered by tropical rainforests, which are hiding an abandoned Japanese warship, a secret lab, and an active volcano. On a search for Valerie, he will fight a gang of mercenaries and discover the monstrous experiments that are carried out on this islands.
Carver eventually gains access to a variety of firearms. He’s also equipped with binoculars that allow him to see and even hear the enemies from far away. Stealth and detection are the central aspects of the Far Cry gameplay. The lush vegetation in the jungle offers perfect cover, so both Carver and his opponents can hide and sneak behind each other’s backs. The design and huge size of levels allow for a variety of routes and approaches to complete each mission, with use of stealth, surprise attacks, sniping, or another tactic of your choice.
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App version
Android: v23.432
iOS: v9.2