Torchlight II Mobile
Android (v23.432) Free download iOS (1.2.1) Free download
Torchlight II for Mobile
Download Torchlight II for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
Torchlight II is the second installment in the series, and while it continues the story of its predecessor, it also allows new players to jump right into the action-packed roguelike RPG world. The genre itself is well-established already with giants like Diablo series, but Torchlight offers the fresh experience for veterans and newbies alike.
The steampunk fantasy world lets players enjoy the lush grass of various beautiful environments, the glowing caves filled with mushrooms, and the endless deserts with their treasures! Lots of different enemies always try their best to stop our adventurers from their goal. From every corner there comes danger, only briefly allowing the players to collect their thoughts and dive yet again in battle with evil.
Following Torchlight, the second game starts with chaos erupting from underneath the world. A crazed former hero now takes the lead of hordes of different creatures, and in defeating him and his minions lies the ultimate goal of our new heroes. Take on the mantle of one of the four available classes, and be sure to utilize their might at its fullest. Stay flexible, for the treasure is always surprising, and don’t forget to use your trusty companion as the aid in battle, or as a heavy-packed war mule. Be ready for harsh defeats, or, if you feel like immortal, try the hardest difficulty for the ultimate roguelike challenge. The world of Torchlight is yours to explore!
More details for Torchlight II Mobile
App version
Android: v23.432
iOS: 1.2.1