To the Moon Mobile
Android (1.23.3) Free download iOS (v1.3.446) Free download
To the Moon for Mobile
Download To the Moon for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
Eva Rosalyn and Neil Watts give people a chance to live their lives "one more time" - they are operators of the machine capable of penetrating into the human consciousness and rewriting memory, fulfilling unrealised dreams in minds.
However, they do this only for those who are close to death, because such manipulation irreversibly cripples the body.
Their dying client now is old Johnny. First, doctors learn from his memory his past to find out why before his death he wants to fulfil such a strange desire - to go to the Moon.
Then there is a strong story about meetings and partings, about promises and losses. It ends well, but only in the patient's memories.
The gameplay consists of the study of small locations, the solution of simple puzzles and long, saturated dialogues. All this becomes fascinating thanks to the elaborated plot.
More details for To the Moon Mobile
App version
Android: 1.23.3
iOS: v1.3.446