The Flame in the Flood Mobile


Android (version 8.6.3) Free download
iOS (version 8.6.3) Free download
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The Flame in the Flood for Mobile

Download The Flame in the Flood for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.



The Flame in the Flood is a roguelike survival game developed by The Molasses Flood.

The players objective is to survive the long river journey through the post-societal America. In order to survive, it is crucial to scavenge resources, look for food, find shelter, mend your boat and take care of your health.

The players have a certain time limit as they have to advance further the river before the rains catch up with them.

The game features a crafting system, hence why it is important to look for various objects in the game world. A complicated wound treatment system is also present in the game as players have to know how to treat a snake bite or hypothermia.

The developers put a strong emphasis on procedural generation used in the game. Anything from the river itself to every AI encounter is generated on-the-go. Fear, hunger, and aggression affect the NPCs behavior.

Resembling a roguelike genre, the death in-game is permanent to some degree. You will have to start from the head of the river but you are able to save some of your items using your faithful dog.

More details for The Flame in the Flood Mobile

App version

Android: version 8.6.3

iOS: version 8.6.3

Rating of the app


Created by

The Molasses Flood

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