Day of the Tentacle Remastered Mobile


Android (7.5) Free download
iOS (v 4.3) Free download
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Day of the Tentacle Remastered for Mobile

Download Day of the Tentacle Remastered for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.



Day of the Tentacle Remastered - the classic two-dimensional quest, the continuation of the first game Maniac Mansion, where the Purple Tentacle burst out of the laboratory of the crazy Dr Fred Edison. It was initially released 25 years ago by Lucas Arts and Tim Shaffer. The player controls in-game characters by clicking on objects in the game world with the mouse.

The game begins three years after the first part, the Purple Tentacle drinks toxic water from the sewage. It becomes smarter and gains arms. Dr Edison again must save the world and stop the tentacle calamity.

One of the main mechanics of the game is time travel: at the very beginning of the game, the protagonists are separated because of a faulty time machine. Players solve riddles, search for necessary items and try to stop the Purple Tentacle - the result of an unsuccessful scientific experiment.

The remastered version includes visually reworked game locations, an original soundtrack and an indescribable atmosphere of craziness.

More details for Day of the Tentacle Remastered Mobile

App version

Android: 7.5

iOS: v 4.3

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