Brawlhalla Mobile
Android (v9.3.4) Free download iOS (1.2.1) Free download
Brawlhalla for Mobile
Download Brawlhalla for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
Brawlhalla is a free-to-play fighting game with platformer elements. You pick a character from 39 available heroes (this amount is increasing with new updates) and try to knock your opponent off the stage. The controls are simple to make the game easy to master. Every character has two weapons and also can use boosts that drop on the stage. They also have such characteristics as Strength, Dexterity, Defense, and Speed that determine their combat style and can be slightly modified.
Brawlhalla supports online and local multiplayer and cooperative along with multiple modes where you can test your skills and increase the rank. Except for 1v1 duels and different team matches, you can take part in huge arena battles with multiple opponents. Some stages consist of several platforms that can change their position during the fight. Moreover, Brawlhalla holds numerous competitions and tournaments all over the world with money prizes.
More details for Brawlhalla Mobile
App version
Android: v9.3.4
iOS: 1.2.1