The Swapper Mobile
Android (v23.432) Free download iOS (v3.3.1) Free download
The Swapper for Mobile
Download The Swapper for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
The Swapper is a classical platform game with several elements of Metroidvania focused on solving puzzles. The game follows a female astronaut stranded on the abandoned space research station in a science-fictional universe. Completing the game players will be able to learn more about the fate of researches and to restore the sequence of events held aboard the station. Players assume the role of the protagonist, as she tries to clarify the mystery of a unique item, which allows her to clone herself and to transfer the mind to the clone. Therefore, the cloning ability is a basic game mechanic that helps the player to solve puzzles and complete levels. The gameplay features traditional side-scrolling platformers’ elements: players control the 2D action from the third-person perspective. In the course of the completion, players are going to face obstacles of varying degrees of complexity ranging from simple barriers (however inaccessible for clones) to higher platforms or even gravity shutdowns.
More details for The Swapper Mobile
App version
Android: v23.432
iOS: v3.3.1