STAR WARS Battlefront Mobile
Android (version 8.6.3) Free download iOS (v3.1) Free download
STAR WARS Battlefront for Mobile
Download STAR WARS Battlefront for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
The game takes place in the setting of the epic "Star Wars". This game is the third in a series of games with the common name of Star Wars Battlefront.
The gameplay consists of battles. You can play on the side of the rebels or on the side of the Empire. You can also go through missions based on the stories of movies. You can play alone and in multiplayer modes, supporting up to 40 players. Multiplayer modes work in a network game or behind a single screen. The game provides an opportunity to participate in the battles for Hoth, Endor, Tatooine and other legendary planets. There is a mission on the unexplored planet of Sallast. You can control not only players, but also a variety of techniques, including huge walkers. As the game characters are present the main characters of the "Star Wars" Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett.
The novelty of the series is the presence of species from the first and from the third person.
More details for STAR WARS Battlefront Mobile
App version
Android: version 8.6.3
iOS: v3.1