Quake Champions Mobile
Android (1.23.3) Free download iOS (v23.432) Free download
Quake Champions for Mobile
Download Quake Champions for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
Quake Champions is a multiplayer competitive FPS developed by Id Software.
The gameplay resembles the same arena shooter mechanics as the previous installments. For the first time in the series, the so-called champions appear in the game. Each champion has a different amount of health, top speed and a unique ability that can be used once in 20-45 seconds depending on the champion and needs to be recharged after usage. The abilities are designed using the rock-paper-scissors principle with each ability serving as a counter to another. This was done in order to put emphasis on a player's skill and not the chosen character. The game also features character customization system which allows changing the look of any selected champion.
There is no loadout system in the game whatsoever. Players have to pick up the weapons scattered on the map.
Players can download the game for free, yet they will have access to only one Champion, Ranger. The players have to either rent new champions using the in-game currency or by the so-called champions pack that will unlock every in-game character for an unlimited amount of time.
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App version
Android: 1.23.3
iOS: v23.432