Neverwinter Mobile
Android (v9.3.4) Free download iOS (v3.3.1) Free download
Neverwinter for Mobile
Download Neverwinter for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
The multiplayer game "Neverwinter" takes place in the setting of Forgotten Realms - one of the most developed worlds of the game Dungeons & Dragons.
At the beginning of the game, the city of Neverwinter is in chaos because of the sudden disappearance of Lord of Neverwinter.
In the novel by Robert Salvatore "Gauntlgrym", dedicated to this period, it is said that after plunging into chaos, Spellplague and a Primordial Fire Elemental almost destroyed the city.
The remaining residents united in several factions, between which a struggle for power in the city broke out. The dead began to emerge from the graves, they call the city their home and also pretend to power. The player is investigating the case of the Sect Crown of Neverwinter, trying to find out what all this undead is looking for. The list of locations is based on the novels Gauntlgrym, Neverwinter, and Charon's Claw.
Players can create their own new locations, related or not at all related to the rest of the game content. Content created by players is clearly marked as such, so as not to mislead other players.
The game is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition rules set.
More details for Neverwinter Mobile
App version
Android: v9.3.4
iOS: v3.3.1