Deiland Mobile
Android (v 4.3) Free download iOS (v3.1) Free download
Deiland for Mobile
Download Deiland for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
A long time ago, when the universe was young, children were sent to Minor Planets. Their mission was to awaken the magic of the Crystals kept within the planet's interior.
This is the story of Arco, the youngest of these children who lives on the smallest planet, Deiland. The tiniest of them all.
Deiland is an adventure game that combines RPG and sandbox mechanics. Its simple calm appearance is the result of the effort put into its creation. It seeks to surprise players with small details and an interesting storyline and appealing characters. Deiland planet is our home, and living on this small place will be a unique experience for every player.
But it isn't all peace and tranquility on Deiland. A shadow wonders in the absolute darkness of the universe. The shadow speaks through dreams to evil creatures pressing them in to its service, with the sole objective of finding children and their planets and to rob them of their power of the Crystal and subdue them.
Main features
Deiland is a sandbox planet that you can develop in your own way.
12 characters to meet with 100 quests to complete.
More than 120 inventory items to manage and trade.
Survival mechanics: hunger and fatigue.
12 structures to build and 4 house levels.
Improve your skills. The game has some RPG mechanics, like character leveling, 4 magic spells to learn and 4 skills to upgrade (strength, intelligence, agility and stamina).
Improve your equipment with 7 tools (each with 3 levels).
Day/night cycle and climate events.
More than 50 craft recipes: tools, cooking dishes, hand-craft items and magic potions.
More details for Deiland Mobile
App version
Android: v 4.3
iOS: v3.1