Assassin’s Creed III Mobile
Android (1.2.1) Free download iOS (v 4.3) Free download
Assassin’s Creed III for Mobile
Download Assassin’s Creed III for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
Assassin's Creed III is the fifth game of the series, preceded by the first chapter taking place in the time of the Third Crusade and by the Ezio trilogy, positioning itself in the times of the Italian Renaissance (1476-1499). It is the 3rd person action adventure with an accent on exploring and hunting
During the new installment, the player is set to make way through the American Revolution, while being on both side of a conflict — our hero has English father and Mohawk mother, which tears him apart. Such conflicts serve as the leitmotif through the entirety of a game — not only we are choosing sides to fight on in the Civil War, but also we are facing the decisions of choosing Assassins' or Templar's side.
As it is common in the Assasin's Creed games, the gameplay concentrates profoundly around fighting the multiple enemies all at once, parkouring off walls and micro-management: selling resources, exchanging ships and so on. The Assassin's Creed III, however, highlights the hunting and simultaneous use of two weapons as the new in-game features.
More details for Assassin’s Creed III Mobile
App version
Android: 1.2.1
iOS: v 4.3