This War of Mine Mobile
Android (1.0.20123) Free download iOS (1.0.0) Free download
This War of Mine for Mobile
Download This War of Mine for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
A small town surrounded by war. The usual order is irrevocably violated, you have to survive, but you are not a soldier and certainly not a superhero.
The player controls a group of two to four civilians selected from twelve characters. The goal is simple - to survive the war.
Later, new people can join the group. Characters need food, can get sick, freeze, die from wounds. Can run away with all the food stock.
The day is different from the night in everything. During the day we equip the shelter, repair and produce weapons and tools - from what can be found. In the afternoon we communicate with neighbours, sometimes with benefit. At night we go out for prey. The night harbours us but also harbours looters, often they are armed. Winter brings cold and freezes water, requires more health and firewood.
Decisions that have to be made often have a moral dimension - can one rob an unarmed person if this is a matter of life and death for someone from the group?
As in life, events are seen as random and do not repeat from game to game. The same characters can behave very differently, and the siege can sometimes last twenty days, and sometimes eighty.
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App version
Android: 1.0.20123
iOS: 1.0.0