Syberia Mobile
Android (v23.432) Free download iOS (v3.3.1) Free download
Syberia for Mobile
Download Syberia for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
Syberia is an adventure game where a twisted story is combined with puzzle solving and a graphical quest’s elements. You take on the role of Kate Walker, who has to travel over half of Europe to fix her business issues. However, her adventure appears to be exciting and surreal, and, actually, life-changing. Searching for a man to sell her a toy factory, Kate becomes involved in a fantastic journey that leads her to the land of Syberia where mammoths are still alive.
The main gameplay activity is classical for point-and-click quests and for the most part is solving numerous complicated puzzles that are tightly connected with the plot development and extend and deepen the story. Huge locations may contain dozens of puzzles, so finding all clues will make you explore every corner of every place. Puzzles often feature work with details from mechanisms and odd inventions. The gameplay supports the surreal atmosphere of the game which twists the reality with human dreams and hopes.
Syberia is followed by two sequels, Syberia II and Syberia 3, that continue the adventures of Kate Walker.
More details for Syberia Mobile
App version
Android: v23.432
iOS: v3.3.1