Surgeon Simulator Mobile
Android (v9.2) Free download iOS (v1.3.446) Free download
Surgeon Simulator for Mobile
Download Surgeon Simulator for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
Surgeon Simulator is a medical simulation game that makes you a surgeon named Nigel Burke. You need to carry out different operations, firstly on people and later on aliens. Famous for its controls, Surgeon Simulator literally gives you the ability to control your virtual left hand’s fingers with A, W, E, R and Space buttons on your keyboard. The mouse is used to move your hand up and down.
As these controls aren't easy to master, it's quite hard to carry on the first operations. But the game starts to challenge you from the beginning, offering to operate a patient's heart, brains, and other important organs. The game's physics model reacts on every mistake you make with blood rivers and a patient's death. Because of this Surgeon Simulator became a meme among gamers with videos of its playthroughs gaining thousands of views.
More details for Surgeon Simulator Mobile
App version
Android: v9.2
iOS: v1.3.446