Star Wars: Republic Commando Mobile
Android (v3.1) Free download iOS (7.5) Free download
Star Wars: Republic Commando for Mobile
Download Star Wars: Republic Commando for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
The game is set in the Star Wars universe during the Old Republic era. The player assumes the role of a Republic commando who leads his group of four Clone troopers, the Delta Squad, through various military missions. You only directly control the commander of the squad, Delta-38 aka Boss, the other three characters are AI-controlled NPCs that you can give orders to. They are known only by their codenames and have different specializations: Sev is a sniper, Fixer is a technician, and Scorch is explosives expert. The player is not fully identified with the main character, and if Boss is shot down, the player can order his comrades to revive him or to continue on with the mission. The level is only considered failed if the whole Delta Squad is down.
The plot revolves around the Clone Wars that was fought between movie Episodes II and III. The Delta Squad fights against the Separatist forces on the various planets, among them Geonosis and the Wookie homeland Kashyyk. A few classic Star Wars characters make appearances, most prominently, General Grievous as a boss and Master Yoda at a mission briefing. The game’s soundtrack contains the excerpts from the Star Wars film score, some original music, and a song by Indie Rock band Ash.
More details for Star Wars: Republic Commando Mobile
App version
Android: v3.1
iOS: 7.5