Plague Inc: Evolved Mobile


Android (version 1.3) Free download
iOS (v3.1) Free download
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Plague Inc: Evolved for Mobile

Download Plague Inc: Evolved for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.



Plague Inc: Evolved is a biological simulation/strategy game developed by Ndemic Creations.

In Plague Inc: Evolved the player controls a disease, that infects patient zero in a selected country. The player's goal is to infect and kill all the people perfecting the disease and adapting to different conditions.

Initially, more and more people get infected within a country, the disease goes through the borders, carried by animals, birds, insects, transits through blood or on public transport. Random and controlled infections are present in the game. Laboratory accidents could be categorized as random infections while spore activations, zombie dislocation, and trojan planes are controlled by the player.

For infecting and killing humans, the player gets DNA points which are spent buying upgrades for the disease. Disease mutation could also occur. Combo system is present in the game. For example, a combination of vomiting and coughing can mutate into gushing forth vomiting which drastically improves contagiousness.

Player created diseases have three aspects: infectiousness, severity, and lethality. The time for infecting the population is limited as humans may be able to produce a cure.

More details for Plague Inc: Evolved Mobile

App version

Android: version 1.3

iOS: v3.1

Rating of the app


Created by

Ndemic Creations

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