inFAMOUS First Light Mobile
Android (1.1.3) Free download iOS (7.5) Free download
inFAMOUS First Light for Mobile
Download inFAMOUS First Light for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.
InFAMOUS First Light is a third-person open-world game developed by Sucker Punch. It is a spin-off/prequel hybrid to inFAMOUS Second Son, the third installment in the series.
7 years ago an explosion in a fictional Empire City caused a plague outbreak. During that time people with superpowers known as Conduits start to appear. Most of the conduits died fighting the outbreak. After these events, the U.S. government established the Department of Unified Protection. The Conduits are considered bio-terrorists and held prisoner. The game tells the story of Abigail Walker who possesses the power of neon, how she was captured by the D.U.P. and imprisoned in Curdun Cay. The story is set 3 years before the events of InFAMOUS Second Son.
The game focuses on the neon power that was one of the powers present in InFAMOUS Second Son. Neon power is used for distant precise powerful attacks. The Neon Beam deals a lot of damage yet it has a low fire rate. In addition to normal Neon Beam, it is possible to use Stasis Bubbles that freeze the enemies. A more powerful charged Phosphor Beam is also present. Players can travel at high speeds using the Light Speed.
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App version
Android: 1.1.3
iOS: 7.5