Heavy Rain Mobile



Android (v 4.3) Free download
iOS (1.23.3) Free download
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Heavy Rain for Mobile

Download Heavy Rain for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.



Heavy Rain is an interactive drama telling the story of the investigation of a serial murder’s case. Players assume roles of four people – Ethan Mars, Norman Jayden, Madison Paige, and Scott Shelby – somehow involved in the case of Origami Killer, who is used to leave his victims alone, marked with origami figures. It soon reveals that all Origami Killer’s murders are connected with weather changes (actually heavy rains). In the course of the completion, players will follow the characters on their way to the key of the murderer’s mystery. Heavy Rain is an unusual action-adventure game. All four main characters are controlled from the third-person perspective with only several buttons, as the interaction with the environment is usually done by activating on-screen prompts like holding the trigger, pushing a button, positioning the stick, or all in one. The gameplay consists of multiple scenes, which affect the further in-game progress by the players’ choice and create a branching storyline that can lead to various endings including the death of certain main characters.

More details for Heavy Rain Mobile

App version

Android: v 4.3

iOS: 1.23.3

Rating of the app


Created by

Quantic Dream

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