Dishonored Mobile


Android (version 1.3) Free download
iOS (1.4) Free download
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Dishonored for Mobile

Download Dishonored for Mobile, Android and iOS downloads are available for free.



Dishonored is the game about stealth. Or action and killing people. It is you who will decide what to do with your enemies. You play as Corvo Attano, Empress' bodyguard, a masterful assassin and a combat specialist. All of a sudden, a group of assassins kill the Empress and kidnaps her daughter Emily. Being accused of murder and waiting for execution in a cell, Corvo still manages to escape with the help of the Loyalists and their leader Admiral Havelock. Now it is your duty to return the Empress daughter and restore your name. The main focus of the game is to give the player a choice. You can spare the lives of your enemies by knocking them out or making others do the job for you or brutally murder everyone in the city. Gadgets are given by Piero Joplin, Loyalists engineer and by the Outsider, who gives Corvo magical abilities. The game reacts to your choices - grim atmosphere by itself can be turned even darker by killing people or slightly lighter by not doing so. It is only a player's choice what to do with his abilities. Basing on these actions the game will give you with two different endings of the story.

More details for Dishonored Mobile

App version

Android: version 1.3

iOS: 1.4

Rating of the app


Created by

Bethesda Softworks

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